Saturday, December 19, 2009

Change Is a Friend

Change seems to make many people nervous. I suppose it is the unknown and there is comfort in things being the same. When they are the same everyone knows how to act and what to say or at least that is the perception. Funny thing thought, things are changing constantly. This is good because it shows that any situation can be changed.

Any time that something is not liked or does not feel right the decision can be made to change it all. On any given day we can that adjustments need to be made. We can learn new things or go a different direction. We can change something next week, or next month, or next year, or never.

We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain the same. The choices are always ours to make. The circumstances we are in are not the universe acting upon us and putting us in any situation, but instead it comes from within ourselves. Our thoughts and feeling created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. But often this gets clouded because people often do not take a look at what are the dreams, what is the driving force inside, what brings the joys, and how can trust in the process be present.

Everyone has the power to decide the life wanted. The parts of life that fill the spirit and have it grow. Most if not all people will say they have felt there spirit full of energy at times and other times when things are going wrong a draining. Finding the dreams and going after these will fill within even through the obstacles.

Change is a friend. If this were not a part of life there were not be the ability to try new things, learn new things, meet new people, travel, and grow. It is exactly what moves people to rise higher and achieve what life is meant to be for each.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

For Yourself

The best thing that a person can do is take a look at what brings joy, what frustrates, what drives the person to get things done, what tires a person out, what makes a day special. this is about noticing the aspects of oneself.

Often people go through the day or days not paying attention to how they are being affected or how they are affecting other situations or people. This isn't deep thinking but instead just noticing what makes you up inside. It helps with keeping a balance in life and also finding the obstacles that can stop a person from reaching goals.

It's great to simply give yourself a little attention. It assists in self growth and reaching goals and dreams.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Notice the Moments

It is amazing how many opportunities come by especially when dreaming and thinking about waht brings you joy. Have you ever has someone come into your life right out of the blue? Or a thought comes to you about how to get something done? Why is it that some people you meet you become friends with and others seem to pass right by?

Now some of this is whether you notice or not. Some is the energy you are putting out and the energy of others. It does take the energy. Nothing happens unless you give and cause energy first. But what goes out does come back.

Take time to notice what is around and what is coming into your life.

Monday, May 11, 2009


If ever you will lead others you will lead by everything said an done. You will be noticed. Be sure to care about the team and the members together and individually. Be sure to listen. Be sure to take the ideas that come from the team. Be sure to praise the accomplishments. be sure to know that mistakes will occur but that is being human. Teach. Be sure to believe the team is the best because they respond to your belief. Be sure to conduct yourself as if you have the best team there is. Be sure to show you are committed to the team. And be yourself.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Part of Life Ownership Coaching- Always Here

We all search for that one place to get to, or that one thing to acquire. You know the goal to be reached that will say success. But that is a moving target and there will always be another goal. What's great about that is that is how it should be. There is joy in that there is always something new. One thing that gets little attention and yet is the greatest commodity is the most fleeting. It needs to have attention and noticing and yes experiencing. It needs to be welcomed and not put aside. For there really is enough of it. And that is time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


We are our thoughts and feeling and they lead us to where we are meant to be.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Be The Star You Are - radio w/ Cynthia Brian

I will be interviewed on live radio March 12th 6pm (Est) regarding my book - transcendental Sojourn - Arrival to One Journal

World Talk Radio

Voice America

Monday, February 2, 2009

Take Time to Look

Going through life getting everything done. Always take time to stop and check that you are going where you wish, and becoming who you want to be.